THE BRAND AERO 1977 AERO Friedrichshafen starts to be the real first show for general aviation in Germany. Over the years the show became the leading show in Europe and in the world for the B2B business. The industry Know-how and the experience of the AERO team  are worldwide high estimated. So the brand expanded in the last years to the highly interesting markets SOUTH AFRICA and CHINA. Since 2021 the brand AERO is held by fairmanic - a joint venture of Messe Friedrichshafen and Messe Frankfurt. 

AERO ASIA  was founded with a strategic objective: to become the leading business General Aviation show for China and South East Asia. For this purpose two of the most successful and experienced shows came together: AERO and Zhuhai Airshow. The one is the world leading GA trade show with an experience of over 40 years. The other one is China’s biggest airshow with a history of 29 years. AERO ASIA brings together the entire General Aviation world. It attracts motivated buyers actively seeking to purchase the latest technology along with key decision makers from across the industry. It will be organized with the highest standards and will be offering the highest added values for all stakeholders.